“Au pays des enfants abandonnés”,
Un reportage de Camille Le Pomellec, Minju Song, Byoungsoo Kim, Colin Guillemant pour Hikari Presse diffusé dans “Envoyé spécial” le 1er juin 2023.
Korean adoptees returning to Korea
Korean adoptee reunites with her birth mother
Story of Kara Bos. This 36-year-old had to sue in order to be acknowledged by her biological father in South Korea. Her lawsuit could impact thousands.
South Korea’s cruel Adoption Industry | Korea adoptee’s interview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FWFAZX2Vv_8
A mother searched her son for 48 years… https://www.facebook.com/100067046185454/posts/pfbid0nneCuGRBEdgSwQ5xkmdakiE6MTxfRBGAeJC5KinA3HaSTs54BjriYtdjfEjrqB74l/